Craft microbrewery-more and more appear in public eye.Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment are more and more popular. WEMAC can design all one of microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment.According to site size、clients requirement、clients budge,microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment will be designed the most suitable for you.Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment does not lie in many,but in fine.Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment mainly includes malt milling machine,mash tun,lauter tun,whirlpool tun. It can made two pot three vessels.It not only looks good,but also saves costs.
Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment is suitable for restaurant,wine bar,hotel,home,micro brewery,small beer factory.Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment is different from the industrial beer equipment. It requires small and refined. Generally, the area of the factory that needs microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment is small, and it may appear in hotels or bars. It needs beautiful appearance, so that consumers can see the brewing process more intuitively and attract consumers more.
Choosing microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment needs to find a good beer equipment manufacturer with enough strength and more guaranteed product quality.
Microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment constitute:
Two vessels Brewhouse:
Capacity:10/15/20/30BBL or customized
Two vessesls:Mash lautertun&kettle whirlpool tun
Heating method:by steam,by electricity,by fire
Three Vessels Brewhouse:
Capacity:10/15/20/30BBL or customized
Three vessels:Mash kettle tun&lauter tun&whirlpool tun
Heating method:by steam,by electricity,by fire
We will provide a complete set of microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment process, let you look more intuitive, life-long after-sales service for you, equipment life-long maintenance. Choose a wemac microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment and you won't be disappointed.
Wemac beer microbrewery equipment for sale beer equipment relies on word-of-mouth to hit the market. We don't go low price, and low price means lower product quality. As an old factory with more than 60 years of production experience, product quality is more important than Taishan. Welcome to consultmicrobrewery equipment for sale beer equipment.
If you want to ask anything just fill in the form below and send us.